“All is Within”
“See yourself in the practice you are not able to access right now. Imagine yourself in it.”
Sri Dharma Mittra
Dharma Mittra is the creator of "Dharma Yoga" and founder of the Dharma Yoga Center in NYC, established in 1974. Creator of over 300 popular Yoga postures, Dharma is known as the “Teacher’s Teacher” and “The Rock of Yoga.” He is the author of Asanas: 608 Yoga Poses, the Master Yoga Chart of 908 Postures, and “Maha Sadhana” DVD series. Dharma teaches daily and conducts Teacher Trainings at his center in NYC. For more information including a full biography of Dharma's life, click here. For a daily teaching schedule, click here.
Master Yoga Chart of 908 Poses by Sri Dharma Mittra © 1984